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目前分類:2012 TCM Workshop (7)

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許中華醫務長為張教授及國際學生介紹中醫院區 Dr. Hsu introducted Taipei City Hospital to students of Yang Min University and Dr. Chang. 

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Acupuncture in Climacteric Disorder by Dr. Liao, Li-Lan

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Tuina and Acupuncture  by Dr. Wu, Chien-Lung


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Dr. 沈邑穎 told us  the body Acupuncture

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Dr.Liu, Chia-Yu told us Diagnosis in ARDK

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Please find yourself more information with the following enclosure.

Dr. Wu, Chiem-Lung told us Tuina and Acupuncture

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Dr. Hsu, Chuang-Hua

Taiwan International Traditional Chinese Medicine Training Center


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