美國南加州大學參訪團參訪臺北市立聯合醫院林森(中醫)院區 Keck school of medicine, University of Southern California visit Branch of Linsen and Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital
林偉椿醫師為大家介紹臺北市立聯合醫院中醫院區、中醫門診中心 Dr. Lin introduce the works and functions of Branch of Linsen and Chinese Medicine, Taipei City Hospital to students of University of Southern California.
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國際學程:傳統中國醫學(概論) International course: Traditional Chinese Medicine (Summer)
暑期7/11~8/19於陽明大學舉行課程 The class will held in YMU during 7/11~8/19.
Schedule of International course: Traditional Chinese Medicine (Summer)
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Dear all,
We're holding a TCM workshop on every Tuesday morning from Febuary 22nd to June 21st in National Yangming University and Taipei City Hospital.
We sincerely welcome international students in Taiwan to attend this workshop.
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Practical classes in Traditional Chinese Medicine Jan. 12, 2010
Przemys law Maciej Jura
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