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目前分類:中醫概論 Basic TCM concepts (7)
- Jan 04 Tue 2011 09:50
灸 Moxibustion
- Jan 04 Tue 2011 09:47
中醫治療疾病簡介(五)-中風 TCM for Diseases V. Stroke
Introduction of stoke in the point of view of Chinese medicine with following contents:
1.Stroke in Western medicine and TCM
- Jan 04 Tue 2011 09:45
中醫治療疾病簡介(四)-胃痛 TCM for Diseases IV. Stomachache
Introduction of stomachache in the point of view of Chinese medicine with following contents:
1.Cause and mechanism of stomach pain
- Jan 04 Tue 2011 09:41
中醫治療疾病簡介(三)-疼痛 TCM for Diseases III. Pain
Many patients go to TCM for releasing their pain.
In this article we discuss the cause of pain and treatment in the view of TCM.
- Jan 04 Tue 2011 09:38
中醫疾病治療簡介(二)-腹瀉 TCM for Diseases II. Diarrhea
Introduction of diarrhea in the point of view of Chinese medicine with following contents:
1. Etiology&pathology
- Jan 04 Tue 2011 09:34
中醫疾病治療簡介(一)-感冒 TCM for Diseases I. Common Cold
Introduction of common cold in the point of view of Chinese medicine with following contents:
1.Reason of disease
- Dec 29 Wed 2010 11:18
針灸概論 About Acupunture