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目前分類:2011 Advanced TCM workshop (8)

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Acupuncture and knee joint by Dr. Wu, Chien-Lung


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 Advanced TCM Workshop 5 - TCM and obesity by Dr. Hsu, Chung-Hua


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中醫診斷學演講- 劉家祐醫師

Introduce the TCM Diagnosis by Dr. Liu, Chia-Yu at Lin-Sen branch.

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許中華醫務長為大家介紹今日特別演講 Dr. Hsu introduce the special lecture to all listeners.

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2011.08.03 台灣與德國中醫藥與針灸交流研討會2

中藥學概論 - 邱寶生藥師

Chinese Herbal Medicine - Phar. Chiu, Pao-Shen

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德國醫師Wolf-Dieter Eckl目前擔任GSA(Grerman Society of studying Acupuncture)主席,

及醫師Simona Helena Schollmeyer.來台與台北市立聯合醫院中醫院區及林森院區,進行維持兩週


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2011.08.02  Advanced TCM and Acupuncture Workshop, Taiwan and German --- open day

德國醫師 Dr. Eckl and Dr. Schollmeyer 訪台進行維期兩週之中醫藥暨針灸交流研討會

Dr. Eckl and Dr. Schollmeyer visit Taiwan to join the Advanced TCM and Acupuncture Workshop.

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2011 台灣與德國暨中醫藥與針灸交流研討會 2011 Advanced TCM and Acupuncture Workshop, Taiwan and German

台灣與德國暨中醫藥與針灸交流研討會開跑囉! Here comes the Advanced TCM and Acupuncture Workshop.  

八月二號即將於台北市立聯合醫院林森院區及中醫院區盛大展開 The workshop will start on August 2nd.

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