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一、主辦單位: 財團法人彰化基督教醫院中醫部、彰化縣中醫師公會

二、指導單位: 行政院衛生署中醫藥委員會

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Introduction of  Large Intestine Hand Yang Ming Meridian :

1.Cyclical flowing and distribution

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Introduction of Lung Hand Tai Yin Meridian :

1.Cyclical flowing and distribution

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Introduction of extraordinary acupoints:

1.Brief introduction of extraordinary acupoints

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Introduction of 12 meridians in the point of view of Chinese medicine with following contents:

1.Brief introduction of acupuncture points

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Introduction of moxibustion :

1.The function of moxibustion

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Introduction of stoke in the point of view of Chinese medicine with following contents:

1.Stroke in Western medicine and TCM

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Introduction of stomachache in the point of view of Chinese medicine with following contents:

1.Cause and mechanism of stomach pain

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Many patients go to TCM for releasing their pain.

In this article we discuss the cause of pain and treatment in the view of TCM.

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Introduction of diarrhea in the point of view of Chinese medicine with following contents:

1. Etiology&pathology

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