International Congress on Complementary Medicine is a non-profit academic organization which offers a platform for international communication and cooperation of complementary medicine clinical practices and polity making. From 2005, ICCMR had already held 5 previous annual meetings in Canada, Germany, Australia, United States and Norway. The 6th annual meeting was hold in Chengdu, China on May 6th-9th, 2011. The topic of this annual meeting is “Evidence-based decision making for Traditional and Integrative Medicine.”
大會開幕邀請大會主席之一Porf. Claudia M. Witt、成都中醫藥大學副校長梁繁榮、四川省中醫藥協會主席張博立致詞。本次與會國家包含歐美亞澳紐共22個國家,全部共有138篇口頭論文發表,283篇海報論文發表;其中台灣與會人士有台北市立聯合醫院中醫門診中心許中華醫務長、中國醫藥大學中醫部何宗融主任、署立樂生療養院中醫科徐蔚泓主任、振興醫院放射治療科醫師林宜賢主任、彰化基督教醫院李秋珊護理長、國立陽明大學傳統醫藥研究所連純瑩同學及南華大學王昱海助理教授等,一共進行三篇口頭發表並四篇海報發表。
Delegates of more than 22 countries from Europe, America, Asia and Oceania attended this meeting. There were 138 oral and 283 poster presentations. We went as a 10-people group as delegates of Taiwan, and made 3 and 4 of oral and poster presentations, respectively.
Dr. Hsu, Chung-Hua gave a speech.
Ms. Lien, Chun-Ying gave an oral presentaion.
Discuss with Prof. Cheryl Ritenbaugh after presentation.